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Kembo-Cuisenaire - for easy learning

Base Ten HomePack

Base Ten 'HomePack'

Learning maths with hands-on blocks, rather than just paper and pen, is recognised as a powerful approach to this vital subject.

If you choose to use Base Ten, you will be in good company: Base Ten is the maths system of choice in Primary Schools right across Australia.

Blocks, Flats, Longs and Shorts can mean so much more than numbers on a page. And what happens when those dry old numbers are brought to life? Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are so much easier to understand! And that has to be a good thing.

Block Flats Longs Shorts
Blocks - 100mm cube Flats - 100x100x10mm Longs - 100x10x10mm Shorts - 10mm cube

Our 'HomePack' contains 1 Block, 10 Flats, 20 Longs and 100 Shorts - plus our Parent Guide.

Our 'MiniSet' contains 3 Flats, 20 Longs and 100 Shorts - plus our Parent Guide.

Base Ten maths blocks are

  • Simple to use

  • Powerfully effective 

  • Inexpensive  

  • Australian-made!

There is no shortage of guidance on how to get the most from your Base Ten materials. They are featured in many independently-produced books on primary maths, and our own Parent Guide is included in every HomePack.

We look forward to helping you!

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Kembo-Cuisenaire Sydney Australia

© 2007-2014